Our Team

Daniels Property Group

Dean McPhee

Chief Financial Officer View Linkedin profile

Ryan McCallen

Tenant Relations & Construction View Linkedin profile

Taylor Derleth

In-House Counsel View Linkedin profile

Amanda King

Financial Controller View Linkedin profile


Dean McPhee, Chief Financial Officer

With a background in NASDAQ healthcare groups, Dean has served as the Global CFO, Company Secretary for over 18 years. He oversees finance, Treasury, accounting, M&A activities, strategy, and legal/litigation. Dean leads the property group in making financial investment decisions on acquisition and management of the properties and has driven the positive impact the property group has experienced and the follow through to the overarching Daniels group. 

Ryan McCallen, MBA Tenant Relations & Construction

Ryan has a background in property and tenant management, along with several years of residential and commercial construction.  A true professional focused on the tenant and their needs, he is responsible for managing all aspects of tenant relations in the United States and Canada along with managing our build projects from the owner’s side.

Taylor Derleth, In-House Counsel

Taylor’s background is focused on commercial real estate transactions; zoning and land use matters; commercial contracting; property taxation; and related litigation. He serves as the in-house counsel for Daniels Property Group responsible for overseeing all legal matters involving real estate closings and commercial leasing.

Amanda King, Financial Controller 

With over 10 years of accounting experience, Amanda overseas the day-to-day financial reporting and management of the property group. Amanda also assists with treasury management and new acquisition reports.


Want to learn more?

Please reach out to the Daniels Property Group team with any inquiries. enquiry@daniels-propertygroup.com