Meet Our Team: Celebrating Customer Service Week 2019

Meet Our Team: Celebrating Customer Service Week 2019

S64 Sharpsmart Operating Instructions | Spanish

Standard operating procedure for the Daniels S64 Sharpsmart sharps container. This guide assists users in the correct opening and secure locking of the sharps container. 

Sharpsmart Regular Operating Instructions | Spanish

Standard operating procedure for the Sharpsmart sharps container. This guide assists users in the correct use of opening and securely locking the sharps container. 

Sharpsmart Access Plus Operating Instructions | Spanish

Standard operating procedure for the Sharpsmart Access Plus reusable sharps container. This guide assists users in the correct use of opening and securely locking the sharps container before and after sharps disposal. 

P64 Pharmasmart Operating Instructions | Spanish

Standard operating procedure for the Daniels P64 Pharmasmart pharmaceutical waste container. This guide assists users in the correct opening and secure locking of the pharmaceutical waste container. 

M64 Medismart Operating Instructions | Spanish

Standard operating procedure for the correct opening and secure locking of Daniels M64 Medismart medical waste container. 

Procedimiento operativo estándar de abrir y bloquear los contenedores de residuos médicos regulados M64 Medismart de Daniels.

CT64 Chemosmart Operating Instructions | Spanish

This instructional guide assists users in the correct opening and secure locking of the Daniels S64 Chemosmart chemotherapy waste container.

Este guía asiste en el uso correcto de abrir y bloquear seguramente los S64 contenedores Chemosmart para quimioterapia.

4 Operating Instructions for Sharpsmart Containers | Spanish

Instructions for Daniels Sharpsmart sharps container use: Never put your hand into a sharps container, never put sharps into normal waste bags or bins, never put general waste into a sharps container, never throw sharps into a container.

Sharpsmart Collectors are not Disposable | Spanish

Daniels Reusable Sharps containers should never be disposed of in medical waste bins. This poster reinforces the unique reusable qualities of Sharpsmart collectors and the environmental impact they achieve in reducing plastic from landfill. 

Sharpsmart - Correct Sharps Disposal | Spanish

This poster instructs how to use the Daniels Sharpsmart sharps containers’ safety and security features to ensure compliance. With step by step instructions on how to open and close the sharps container safely for the protection of staff and patients, this is an essential guide.